Teacher: Mrs Jagger
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Madden
Mrs Stewart (1:1)
Mrs Beddow (1:1)
Mrs Kebble (1:1)
Mrs Chambers - Friday afternoons to cover Mrs Jagger's PPA
Useful documents
Spring 1 newsletter Click here
Autumn 1 newsletter Click here
Phase 2 Phoneme Pronunciation Guide Click here
Name writing sheet Click here
Expectations presentation Click here
Phonics meeting Click here
You can contact me at
PE is every Tuesday and the children need to come to school in their PE kits. They will stay in them all day so please make sure any jumpers or hoodies are named.
Please do not allow your children on the trim trail before and after school. This includes siblings. Thank you for your cooperation.
Tricky words we have learnt...
Phase 2 - is, I, the, as, and, has, his, her, go, no, to, into, of, he, she
Phase 3 - was
Graphemes we have learnt...
Phase 2 - s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, l, ff, ll, ss, j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, nk
Phase 3 - ai, ee, igh, oa, oo (as in boot)
Week beginning 13.1.25
Well, another strange week with the boiler breaking on Monday but we picked up and carried on with our learning on Tuesday.
Wednesday saw our first Parent Learning Cafe of the year which was very well attended. We hope you enjoyed the afternoon as much as we did. I have popped some photos of the session below.
We have continued our work on the Arctic and have done some lovely work.
Here is the phonics video from this week. It covers the sounds igh, oa and oo (as in moon) The tricky word we have learnt this week is 'was'.
Welcome back to a snowy and icy new year. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas. The children have got straight back into their learning and although we have had a strange start they have made us so proud with their resilience and their enthusiasm.
We have had fun learning some new board games and we have done some super writing, maths and topic work. Here are some photos of us in our learning.
Here is the phonics video for this week. It contains the Phase 3 digraphs 'ai' and 'ee'.
Week beginning 16.12.24
Well that's it for the Autumn term. We can't believe how quickly it has gone!
We have had a really fun week in Reception making Christingles, performing our Nativity play, watching a band, decorating biscuits, having a party and playing and learning with our friends in Provision.
We would like to thank you all for your support this term with helping your children start school and we would also like to thank you for your generosity with cards, messages and gifts. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and we will see you on Tuesday 7th January 2025.
Here are some photos of us enjoying the final school week of 2024.
Week beginning 9.12.24
This week has been even more about Christmas! We have linked it to our learning and have had lots of fun.
We have been carol singing in Year 6 and learning about different people's Christmas traditions. We have been trying on our Nativity costumes ready for next week. We hope you are ready, don't forget your tissues!
We have been designing wrapping paper and we had some Elf hats that we could wear when we were writing. We have also decorated some Christmas trees using beautiful beads and decorations. Just a reminder that next week is our final week of the Autumn term and we will be breaking up next Friday for 2 weeks and 1 day.
Week beginning 2.12.24
Another week closer to Christmas! It is absolutely flying! We have been working hard on our Nativity play and we will be sorting the costumes next week. If your child has a line to say then please can you practice with them so that they are saying it clearly and confidently.
We have started making our Christmas cards in our maths lessons as it links to length and we have been using vocabulary such as longer, shorter.
This week we have had the bikes and scooter out so we have been working hard on our gross motor skills and space awareness.
We also went to church and watched Year 2 lead a lovely Advent service so it has been another very busy week in Reception.
Here is the Phonics video for this week.
Week beginning 25.11.24
Please can you check that your child has not brought a school logo jumper or cardigan home by mistake as we are missing one of each. Both are named.
We have started to feel Christmassy in Reception this week. We have been practising the Nativity and some of us know our lines. If your child brought a line home to practise then please can you help them learn it over the weekend.
We had a pantomime company visit us on Wednesday and we watched 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. It was so funny and the children loved it!
Here are some photos of us enjoying our learning and decorating our classroom.
Here is the phonics video for this week. It contains the graphemes sh, th, ng and nk.
Week beginning 18.11.24
This week we have had great fun playing in the snow and ice. There have been so many learning opportunities where we have frozen water and then melted the ice. We have been working our muscles hard by lifting ice and chipping away at it. We have found ice all over our outdoor area. Some ice had even formed in the pans in the mud kitchen!
We have been reading 'Stickman' this week and we have made some fabulous Stick people of our own. There is a wonderful display in our classroom with them all on.
Here are some photos of us in our learning (I think some from previous weeks have snuck in as well!)
Here is the phonics video for this week. It focuses on the graphemes z, zz, qu, ch and words ending in s.
Week beginning 11.11.24
We have enjoyed learning about Remembrance Day this week. We have talked about why people wear poppies and why people do a silence. We did our own 1 minute silence and we also listened to the 'Last Post'.
Thank you to everyone who came to the Phonics meeting this morning. I have put a copy of the presentation under the Useful Documents section at the top of this page.
Here is a link to the Little Wandle Parents' page. There are some good links to the Collins website which shows you some lovely games you can play with your child at home.
Just a reminder that this Friday it is Children in Need Day so the children are invited to come into school in their own clothes and not school uniform. You can make a donation to Children in Need via your Parent Pay account.
Apologies that I have not updated the website with photos this week but unfortunately I have been off school due to illness. I have uploaded a phonics video from a previous year as it has the same content as I have not been able to do a new one for this week.
Week beginning 4.11.24
Welcome back after the Half term holiday. We have got straight back into our learning and have had a great week sharing our experiences of Bonfire night and have had fun making fireworks and firework pictures in lots of different ways. We have continued our Phonics learning and have learnt the graphemes ll, ff, ss, j and the tricky word 'as'. A sheet will be coming home today to show you some of the words and phrases we have read.
Here are some photos of us enjoying our learning this week.
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Week beginning 21.10.24
I have not done a phonics video this week as it has been assessment week.
Just a reminder that we break up on Thursday for half term as Friday is an Inset Day. We hope you all have a lovely break and we will see you on Monday 4th November.
Here are some photos of us in our learning these last couple of weeks (I think someone may have got hold of my Ipad and taken photos around the classroom!)
Week beginning 14.10.24
It has been a strange week as I have been out for 2 days on a First Aid course but I loved coming in today and seeing the children's happy, smiling faces! Unfortunately I haven't got photos for this week but I have uploaded the phonics video for this week. It shows the sounds h, b, f, l.
Thank you to everyone who attended this morning's Expectations meeting. I hope it was useful. I have popped the presentation at the top of this page under the Useful Documents section.
Week beginning 7.10.24
How is it October already?!! We have had a great time noticing signs of autumn in our school grounds and some of the children have brought leaves in that they have found on walks at home which has been lovely.
We made some beautiful autumn leaves by wrapping wool around cardboard leaves.
We also had fun identifying 1 and 2 objects on a picture. We have done so much fabulous learning this week whilst still having lots of fun playing with our friends.
Here is the phonics video for this week with the following sounds ck, e, u, r
We have been noticing signs of Autumn in our school grounds and we have made some beautiful Autumn pictures back in class. Here we are noticing what is happening to the trees and leaves around us.
Week beginning 30.9.24
This week we have been doing lots of work on repeating patterns and have been making our own.
We have had great fun learning outside this week. we have done lots of chalk drawings of our local area and some of us have had a go at writing some words.
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Week beginning 23.9.24
Just a reminder that PE starts tomorrow (Tuesday)
This week we have started Reading Practice sessions so we are learning how to work in small groups with an adult. Some photos will follow. We have started Reading Buddies and there are some lovely photos of the children doing this are below.
This week we have introduced Reading Practice in Reception. The children will read every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in little groups with a member of staff. We follow the Little Wandle scheme! A copy of the book they are reading will be sent home every Wednesday.
We have also been doing some painting and experimenting by mixing different colours!
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Week beginning 16.9.24
PE will begin next Tuesday so the children will need to come to school in their Active uniforms.
This week we started our phonics lessons. We learnt the s, a, t, p sounds. We follow the Little Wandle scheme and in a few weeks your child will be bringing a book from from this scheme once we have started our Reading Practice sessions.
Here is the phonics video for this week. Please ensure your child knows these sounds and practices them regularly as this will help them with their reading of words in future weeks.
We have had a great week playing and learning with our friends. We have been inside and out and this week has been a sunny week! We have had fun making dens and practising writing the graphemes we have learnt in chalk on the ground. Here are some photos of us enjoying Reception.
Welcome to Reception 2024
We hope your child had a good first week at big school! We really enjoyed meeting everyone and watching them make new friends and play with existing ones.
A newsletter has been sent home via email and I will also put copies of newsletters under the Useful documents section of this page of the website.
In week beginning 9.9.24 we will be undertaking the statutory baseline then when these are complete we will start our formal teaching.
PE will NOT take place this Tuesday.
If you are having difficulties logging on to Tapestry then please let me know and I will do my best to help you. Can you also check that your child is linked to your account.
Here are some photos from week 1 of us in our learning.
Week beginning 9.9.24
This week has seen a real change in the weather so we have embraced the rain and enjoyed playing in different ways. It has meant we have had to think about dressing appropriately for the weather so thank you to all of our grown ups who have sent wellies in for us. We have been practising putting on our own coats but some of us do struggle so please can you practise at home if your child can't pull their sleeves through when they are inside out. We are also practising zips and shoes so the more practise you can do at home the better it is in class as the children can be independent.
We have been brushing chalk drawings off the floor with sweeping brushes, jumping in puddles, pouring water on our water wall and cleaning windows! Here are some photos of us in our learning.
Week beginning 1st July
This week we had our EYFS and KS1 Sports Activities morning. On Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon we had our transition afternoons where the children moved up to their new classroom to meet Miss Ahmed, their new teacher for Year 1.
Here are some photos of us from this week.
Week beginning 24th June
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Here are some photos of us enjoying ourselves in the sun and keeping cool!
Week beginning 17th June
This week we have continued our work on Rainbow Fish. We have enjoyed playing out in the sunshine too! Here are some phots of us enjoying ourselves this week. There are some funny Funtime Friday photos here too where we are pulling funny faces and dancing and we have done some more of us with our Year 6 Reading buddies.
Here is the Phonics video for this week.
Week beginning 10th June
This week has absolutely flown! We have done so much!
We enjoyed the Learning Cafe on Tuesday where we did some wonderful activities based on 'The Rainbow Fish'. The children have continued these activities over the week and we have a beautiful display in the classroom.
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Week beginning 3.6.24
What a great first week back. We have been talking and then writing about what we did in the holidays and we have enjoyed catching up with our friends.
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Week beginning 20.5.24
We have had a very busy few weeks in Reception class. We have been learning lots about real life super heroes and we have had some come into school to visit us and tell us about their jobs. We have got to the end of our phonics work for this half term and have done our assessments. We have sent home the assessments so that you can see how your child got on and where they need some extra practice.
Tomorrow (22nd May) we are going to church so please ensure the children have sensible footwear and a coat as the forecast is not looking good.
Here are some photos of us having fun in our learning. We have been cleaning out the water tray as for some reason there always seems to be mus and sand in there! We have visited the garden where we have a pond with some tadpoles in it and we had a fire fighter (an uncle of one of our superstars) visit us. We have had a great time in our learning!
We had Hand to Mouth in our class on Tuesday and we listened to The Creation Story and then had fun making some puppets.
Week beginning 29.4.24
This week we have had a great time learning about real life superheroes. We had a visit from Abi who works in ambulances and helps the Paramedics and she showed us how to put bandages on.
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Week beginning 22.4.24
This week we have been continuing our work on Superheroes. Evil pea was really cheeky and stuck some vegetables on our walls and units in the classroom! Some of us have been making traps for him in the Creative Area in the hope we can catch him.
We have made Wanted posters and have done some great pictures of Supertato and Evil Pea on the whiteboard.
Here is the phonics video for this week. We have focused on words which contain three adjacent consonants.
In PE we have been working on our Climbing and Crawling unit. We have been mixing the two skills up and worked in a carousel around the hall where we practised them using different PE equipment.
Today (Thursday) we were so lucky because we had some dentists come into class to visit us. They told us all about their job and how they help look after people's teeth. They even gave us some toothpaste! It was so much fun. Thank you to Smiles in Tandem for coming into class to talk to us.
Week beginning 15.4.24
We have had a superhero kind of week this week. We have been reading all about Supertato and then we had a visit from a real life superhero because a Police Officer came in to talk to us about her job. Here are some photos of us enjoying our learning.
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Welcome back to the Summer term. I can't believe we are here already!
I hope you have all had a lovely Easter and that the children are ready for another busy half term in Reception. There has been a newsletter sent to you via email this week and I have also popped a copy at the top of this page under the useful documents heading.
We also have a homework grid which is new for Reception. It puts together some things we would like you to do at home with your child and is hopefully fun. There is no expectation to hand anything in but if the children would like to share their work then you can do it via Tapestry or they can bring things in. This has also been emailed and put at the top of this page.
We have recapped the PANTS rule this week in class. You can find more information about this by following this link
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Phase 4 (words which contain short vowel sounds and adjacent consonants)
Today in our RE lesson we went on a walk in the school grounds. We were looking at the things that Christians believe that God created that we see every day but don't always have time to appreciate. It was lovely and there was even a spot of rain for us! There were some beautiful comments made by the children and we hope you enjoy looking at these photos which show the awe and wonder on the children's faces.
Week beginning 18.3.24
This week we have had a lovely time learning more about the Easter story and we had a visit to church. We have learnt about keeping healthy by keeping clean and in Maths we have been working on numbers up to 15. We have had phonics assessments this week so if your child needs extra phonics intervention you will receive an email from Mrs Jagger.
There is no video for phonics this week.
Here are some photos of us enjoying our last week. We did an egg hunt outside and the Easter bunny had left us some treats!
Week beginning 11.3.24
This week we have had a great time in class learning about Easter. We have made Easter gardens and we did some spice paintings.
We have also started learning about different farm animals.
Just a reminder that next Wednesday we will be walking to church for our Easter service. Here are some photos of us in our learning this week.
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Week beginning 4.3.24
Apologies I haven't updated this for a couple of weeks. I have popped some photos on to show what we have been up to in our learning.
Here is the phonics video for this week. We have been focusing on words with 2 or more digraphs. There are no new tricky words this half term, we are recapping previously learned ones.
We had great fun listening to an active story in PE on World Book Day. We had to do different actions for different words.
We had great fun doing a quiz with our Year 6 buddies. Photos of this will follow.
Today we talked about Good Friday. We have a good discussion about what the word 'Good' means and then we tasted some hot cross buns.
Week beginning 19.2.24
welcome back. I hope you have all had a lovely week off.
We have started our topic of 'All Creatures great ad Small' and have started by looking at dinosaurs. You should have received the newsletter, if not, keep an eye out for that via email.
I have not taken any photos this week unfortunately. I will try and do some next week but we have had a lovely week playing with our friends and playing in all the different weathers this week has thrown at us!
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Week beginning 5.2.24
Well can you believe it, we are halfway through the school year! To say it is flying would be an understatement!
We have had a great final week in class making ice pictures, visiting church for a beautiful Lent service which was led by Year 5, making penguins and learning about the Hindu festival Raksha Bandhan.
There is no phonics video this week due to it being assessment week.
Have a lovely half term holiday and we will see you on Tuesday 20th February.
Week beginning 29.1.24
We have had a lovey week learning about Antarctica. We have done some beautiful ice paintings and been learning all about penguins and how they look after their eggs and huddle up to keep warm.
We had hot chocolate when the weather was horrible and cold to keep us warm and we made some lovely bracelets with beads to represent all the places we belong.
Here is the phonics video for this week which contains the phonemes air and er and longer words.
Week beginning 22.1.24
We have had lots of fun this week in Provision with our friends.
Today we had a talk from a lady who is a Baptism coordinator at her church. We learnt lots of facts about baptism and what the different objects mean, such as candles, fonts, the cross. After her talk some of the children decided to recreate a baptism and they had a lovely party afterwards!
Here is the phonics video for this week which focuses on the phonemes ur, ow, oi, ear
Week beginning 15.1.24
We have had a great week this week. We have got lots done in class and have had great fun playing in the snow. Can you please ensure that you put your child's reading books in their bags on a Friday as we read them with our Year 6 Reading Buddies.
Here is the phonics video for the last 2 weeks. It contains the phonemes ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, oo, or, ar
Happy New Year!!!
Welcome back to a new school term. We have lots of exciting things planned this half term starting with our Learning Cafe. This was really well attended and the children (and grown ups) had lots of fun making their polar bears to help with our learning all about the Arctic and Arctic animals.
We have started learning the Phase 3 graphemes, all of which are digraphs or trigraphs. Please practise these regularly with your child at home and read their reading books daily with them to help build up their confidence with blending.
Week beginning 4th December
We have had a busy week practising our Nativity and doing some super artwork. We have also started making some Christmas cards based on our maths this week which has been about length and using the terms longer and shorter.
Here is this week's phonics update.
Week beginning 27.11.23
We had a lovely visit to the Methodist Church for the Advent service. Year 2 led the service beautifully and one of our superstars had to go to the front and help light the first Advent candle.
We have had lots of fun this week in our learning. We have had fun in the snow and we have decorated our Christmas tree. We made a band and we gave Elton John a run for his money!
Here is the phonics video for this week. It covers sh, th, ng, nk.
Week beginning 20.11.23
These weeks are whizzing by. I can't believe it is Friday already! We have had a busy week in Reception learning new graphemes and learning how to add and subtract within 6. We have had fun playing outside in the wind, rolling conkers down ramps and playing in the mud.
Here is the phonics video for this week. It focuses on z, zz, qu, ch and words ending in s.
Week beginning 13.11. 23
This week we have continued to learn about Remembrance Day and Diwali and we also learnt about Children in Need. We had a range of activities Pudsey bear related and we had fun wearing non-uniform to try and raise some money for the charity. we had a fun afternoon on Monday because we watched a pantomime. It was so funny and Mrs Jagger and Mr Moss had to go on stage and dance!
Here is the phonics video for this week. It shows the graphemes v, w, x, y and the tricky words has, his, her, and.
Week beginning 6.11.23
Thank you to everyone who attended the Phonics meeting today (Tuesday) For those of you who were unable to attend I have put a pdf copy of the presentation here and I have also put a copy at the top of this page under the useful documents section.
Click here
Here is this week's phonics video where it focuses on the digraphs ss, ff, ll and j
We have listened to lots of stories this week all about different festivals and celebrations which have been taking place. We talked about why we have bonfire night, Remembrance Day and the Hindu festival of Diwali. See if your child can remember anything about these stories. I didn't get many photographs this week as we have been so busy but here are a few to share with you.
Week beginning 23.10.23
We have had a fun final week for this half term. We can't believe we have been in school for 8 weeks already! Here are some photos of us having fun with our friends. We have been washing the fences and hammering golf tees into pumpkins. We are going to be cutting into a pumpkin to see, feel and smell what is inside.
Just a reminder that we break up on Thursday this week and we are not in school next week. Please return all books on the regular days the first week back.
There will not be a phonics video this week as we have been doing assessments.
Week beginning 16.10.23
We have had a super busy week in Reception. We have made some beautiful clay hedgehogs and we have been rolling conkers through paint. We have been reading and writing lots and we have been playing with our friends.
We had our meeting this week to talk to parents and carers about expectations in Reception. Don't worry if you couldn't make it, you can see a copy of the presentation here and I will pop it at the top of this page as well under 'Useful documents'.
Don't forget it is Parents' evening next Thursday. The times have been popped on your letter and given to your children so they should be in their bags. If you have not made an appointment I will call you at some point to discuss your child's progress.
Here is the video for this week's phonics update and some extra practise for the assessments next week.
Week beginning 9.10.23
Here is the phonics video for this week. Apologies about the late upload.
We have had a great week so far. Today (Wednesday) we had lots of fun splashing in the rain (and no one needed to change their socks!) We rubbed out chalk graphemes with brushes and we made invisible men when we took our waterproofs off because our wellies stayed in our trousers. It was so funny!
We also had a fantastic first visit to Church for the Harvest festival service which was led by Year 3. We walked with our Year 6 buddies and were praised for being so sensible by Mrs Wyatt.
Week beginning 2.10.23
Here is the phonics video for this week. Please practise the graphemes with your child as it is very important they can instantly recall them.
Thank you to everyone who has been helping the children learn the graphemes at home. It is so important that the children instantly recognise these so that when it comes to reading they can say them and then blend them. For your reference we have learnt
s a t p i n m d g o
The tricky word we have learnt is 'is'
I will write the tricky words at the top of this page so that you can keep up to date and help your child ready them.
We have had a lovely week so far focusing on Autumn. We went on an Autumn walk in the school grounds on Monday and then we made some beautiful pictures using the Autumn treasures we found.
We have also been looking at repeating patterns in maths and we have even used some of our Autumn treasures, e.g. pine cone, leaf, pine cone, leaf.
We have also started our Reading Practice groups so this week the children have enjoyed getting to know the Reading Squad teachers and have listened to a story with them. Next week we will be reading to them!
If your child does anything at home you would like to share with me then please upload it to Tapestry as I look at it quite regularly and it is a good way to share your child's learning. It could be anything from maths work to drawing to cutting up their food to putting on wellies independently to reading.
Week beginning 25.9.23
Here is the phonics video for this week. Please ensure that you practice these with your child as it is important that they recognise them.
Week beginning 18.9.23
This week we will start our phonics lessons. We will be learning the s, a, t, p sounds. At the end of the week I will pop a video on here which shows you how we learn our sounds and how we pronounce them. We follow the Little Wandle scheme and in the next few weeks your child will be bringing a book from from this scheme once we have started our Reading Practice sessions. They will also be bringing home a Library sharing book with you soon.
Here is the phonics video for this week. Please ensure your child knows these sounds and practises them regularly as this will help them with their reading of words in future weeks.
Here we are enjoying our learning this week.
week beginning 11.9.23
This week we had more fun getting to know our new friends and exploring our classroom.
We had a lovely first week at Big School and the children enjoyed making new friends and exploring their new classroom and outside area. Even the sun made an appearance for us!
Your child was given a letter for a Parent Pay account. Please activate this account as soon as possible. If you have any problems then please speak to Mrs Irving in the office.
I have set up Tapestry accounts for all children in Reception. Please login to this via the activation email you should have received (Primary contact). If you have any problems with this then please let me know via email and I will do my best to help you.
Next week (Monday 11th September) we will be completing the Statutory Reception Baseline. You can also send your child's Treasure box in from Monday onwards. We will work through these a couple a day so please do not worry if your child says they haven't shown it yet, we will get through them all over a couple of weeks.
Here are some photos of some of the children enjoying their play.
Tricky words we have learnt so far. Please practise these with your child regularly. I will update these weekly.
I, the, is, as, has, his, her, go, no, to, into, and, he, she, of, we, me, be, was, you, they, my, by, all, are, sure, pure, said, so, have, like, here, were, some, come, love, do, little, says, when, what, there, one, out
Week beginning 12.6.23
We had our Reception Learning Cafe today (Tuesday) and it was so well attended. Thank you to everyone who took time out of their day to share in their child's learning. We had all sorts of activities happening and everyone seemed to have a lovely time. Thank you to everyone who has emailed with lovely messages.
Here are some photos of our morning for you to enjoy.
Week beginning 6.6.23
Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely break. The children have been excitedly talking about what they have done in the holidays and have shared this in their writing this week.
We have started learning about our new value of 'Courage' and have talked about times when we had to be brave.
We had a lovely RE lesson on Wednesday where we shared our favourite books.
Week beginning 22.5.23
Just a reminder that we have our class photo on Friday. We break up tomorrow and are back a week on Tuesday (6th June).
We have had a lovely week in Reception this week as we have had lots of visitors (police, HSBC bank, Hand to Mouth) and we have been to church. Here are some photos we want to share with you.
Here we are drawing some maps of our village in chalk.
Week beginning 15.5.23
We had a fantastic start to our week with a visit from two Paramedics. We learnt what to do in an emergency and we even bandaged each other up! We had a Year 4 visitor who was able to show us how to carry out CPR and some of us even got to try on the Paramedic jacket and helmet.
We then heard that there was another surprise because in the school grounds was an abulance that we were allowed to go inside and we even had the blue light and sirens on.
We also had a lovely RE lesson where we were doing lots of creative work based on churches. Here are some photos of our creations.
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Week beginning 9.5.23
Here is the phonics video for this week.
We have been extremely lucky this week as we had a real life superhero in our classroom! A firefighter (one of our superstar's daddy) came to talk to us about his job and he even dressed up our teachers in his firefighter suit!
He talked to us about fire safety in our homes and how we should all have smoke alarms on every level in our homes. If anyone needs any smoke alarms then please see Mrs Jagger. See if your child can remember any of the jobs a firefighter does.
We had a fabulous time. Thank you so much for coming in to visit us.
Week beginning 3.5.23
Well to say we have only had a 3 day week we have packed in a lot of learning! On top of all that, Evil Pea has returned and has been causing all sort of upset to our veggies in class. We made some traps and two of our superstars suggested putting some water in the freezer which he might fall into if he went in there and guess what...he did! Lots of his guards did as well but then we melted the ice and they escaped again. We hope you enjoy looking at the photos.
We have been enjoying learning about Special places in RE and about friendships in Jigsaw. Jigsaw Jenie has enjoyed looking for children who have been showing they are a good friend.
We enjoyed celebtrating the King's Coronation with a special (indoor) picnic.
Week beginning 24.4.23
Week beginning 17.4.23
Welcome back to the Summer Term! I can't believe we are saying that already. I hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday and ate lots of chocolates. Hopefully the children have talked to you about what they have learnt about Easter.
We have had a good start to the half term and have got straight into our learning. Here are some photos of us in our learning. We have been on a lovely nature walk in the school grounds, we have been planting peas, sunflowers and broad beans and we have been making Supertatoes. All this as well as our regular phonics, writing and maths lessons! I have also added the Phonics video for this week below.
Week beginning 27.3.23
A huge photo drop here as I loved looking through the photos the children have taken this week. Something tells me they have discovered the selfie button! This is only a fraction of the photos on the Ipad this week!!
We enjoyed a theatre trip to see Zog. It was absolutely fantastic and the children were praised by a member of the public for their behaviour. She said she would have never known there was a class of children sitting behind her. Well done Reception :-)
Over the holidays keep practising those tricky words which are in blue just above and also go through your phonics home learning sheets. After the holidays we are starting phase 4. The videos will start up again and so will the weekly Little Wandle sheets. This week we did some phonics assessments. After Easter I will email you if your child is taking part in extra phonics sessions and I will also be sending home the sounds the children need to practise.
We made a beautiful Easter cross this week which is displayed in one of our windows and it looks lovely. We also talked about keeping our hands clean and we all had a go at washing our hands.
We also had our Eggsibition which was absolutely fantastic! The entries were amazing and the creativity has gone to another level. The whole school took turns to go into the hall to see the eggs displayed and the comments were all positive. Mrs Wyatt and Miss Reid had a very difficult job deciding a winner from each class!
After the holidays we are starting our new topic 'Do All Superheroes wear a cape?' If you or anyone you know is in a job which helps people (e.g. dentist, doctor, nurse, dentist, fire fighter, builder etc) then please make yourself known to Mrs Jagger as we would love to have you in class to talk to the children.
Week beginning 20th March
We have made some beautiful Easter gardens today (Wednesday) and we wanted to share them with you.
Week beginning 6th March
We had a lovely RE lesson on Thursday where we learnt about Good Friday.. We looked at different images of crosses then we spotted some on some hot cross buns. Then we ate some hot cross buns. Some of us really enjoyed them but some of us weren't so keen.
We also had some snow on Thursday so we got some photos of us enjoying that. If you have any photos from today's snow day (Friday) then email them to me and I will pop them on here to share with your friends. Please only send photos which you are happy to share on here. I hope you have had lots of fun playing in the snow.
There is no phonics video for this week as my word cards are at school. We have continued to focus on longer words which contain at least 2 digraphs, such as chatter, farmer etc. We have also been revisiting words from previous weeks. I will send home a learning sheet on Monday which goes into more detail about what we have covered.
Week beginning 27.2.23
Your child has brought home a letter today which needs to be returned on Monday. It is for a trip to the theatre to see Zog and it needs consent. Please give them to me on Monday morning at the gate. All children were given a World Book Day voucher as well so enjoy choosing a new book with that.
What a busy week we have had! Dino fever has taken hold and there have been some amazing constructions made to house the dinosaurs.
We made palm leaves and re-enacted Jesus coming into Jerusalem on a donkey.
We also had World Book Day and saw some fantastic costumes and story boxes. Thank you to everyone for your amazing efforts. Here are some photographs of our week.
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Week beginning 20.2.23
In PE we have started learning how to throw and catch. We are starting with bean bags and we had great fun but there is a lot to remember! We also know how important it is to warm up before we do sport so we did some stretches.
On Wednesday we went to Church for the Ash Wednesday service which was led by Year 5.
This week we had Shrove Tuesday which is also known as Pancake Day so of course we just had to have some pancakes! We enjoyed learning about why people eat pancakes and we loved talking about what we were going to have on our pancakes tonight at home!
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and we will be going to Church for a special service at 2pm.
Week beginning 6.2.23
Please remember that next week it is half term so there is no school.
We have had a great week in provision as we have been learning about some Antarctic explorers and we have made some sledges and had great fun whizzing around outside in them! There was so much laughter and so many happy faces. We made Base Camps for us to go back to for rests.
The team work was incredible!
Here we are playing a game in one of our maths lessons. We were learning how to count on from a number by rolling a dice and making the right number of jumps. We couldn't go past 10 and we had to finish exactly.
There is no phonics video this week as it has been assessment week.
Week beginning 30.1.23
Here is the phonics video for this week.
We had a fantastic time making our ice pictures this week. We added glitter and sequins to water and then put them into the freezer to create ice pictures. We turned them out and were amazed at how beautiful they looked. Here are some photos of us exploring our pictures. We predicted that as time went on they would melt...and we were right!
We have had a lovely afternoon learning about the Hindu tradition of Raksha Bandan where sisters give their brothers a bracelet. We learnt that it has now expanded and people give them to friends and parents so we got out our bracelet making kits and some of us made bracelets for people we care about. The bracelets represent love and protection.
We had a real treat this afternoon. As it has been a cold January we have been talking about ways of keeping warm and one of those ways is to have a hot drink so we all got togged up in our coats and we sat under the shelter (because it was raining) and we had a delicious cup of hot chocolate whilst we listened to the story that won the book vote. It was fun and the hot chocolate was so yummy people got seconds!
Week beginning 23.1.23
We have had a fantastic week in Reception this week. We have enjoyed learning more about The Arctic and the people who live there and we have been using 2Simple to do some drawings of some Arctic animals.
Here is the Phonics video for this week.
Week beginning 16.1.23
This week we have been learning about the Chinese New year, also known as the Spring Festival or Lunar New Year. This year it is celebrated on Sunday 22nd January. We have done lots of lovely activities in class and today we tasted some beautiful food.
We also had great fun playing out in the surprise snow this morning!
Here are some photos of us enjoying our provision this week. If you look at our windows in the morning you will see some of the beautiful lanterns we have made.
Week beginning 9.1.23
This week we started our new topic of Pole to Pole and we began by learning about the largest predators in the world, polar bears. Today (Wednesday) we had our cafe and lots of parents came into class to help us make some polar bears. It was lovely to see so many of you in class and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we all did!
Some of us had the best time in the rain! We togged up and had a good old splash in some pretty big puddles.
Look at this fantastic writing from two of our superstars. We made up a story in the Arctic tray and then they wrote it down. Mrs Wyatt was very impressed and gave them both a sticker!
Welcome back to a new term in Reception. Our topic is 'Pole to Pole' and you will find more information about this topic on our newsletter which will be emailed to you very soon.
Please note that this half term our PE day has moved back to Thursday. Also a reminder that it is our Reception cafe on Wednesday next week at 2pm. You are invited into class to work with your child, we will be making polar bears!
I'm afraid we do not have many photos from this week as we have been so busy and we have forgotten to take any. It has been wonderful to see how well the children have returned to school and how keen they have been to get back into their learning. The grown ups in class have loved being back.
Please find the phonics video below.
Well it's our final week of our Autumn term, I can't believe how quickly it has gone! We have had such a busy time with Enterprise, making tree decorations, putting on a Nativity play and of course carrying on with our regular teaching and learning! Here are some photos of us this week enjoying the ice and playing with our friends.
I decided not to do a phonics video last week as it was mostly recapping in preparation for our phonics assessments. There will not be one this week either as we have been assessing this week.
We hope you liked your sock snowmen which the children brought home last Friday. We were so pleased with how they turned out and hope they have settled into their new homes.
A reminder that Thursday is Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day. The children wear their uniform as normal but they can wear a Christmas jumper instead of their school jumper / cardigan.
On Friday we are having our party. The children can come in non-uniform but please remember that they will still be going outside to play so need to be dressed appropriately.
We had a lovely Christmas dinner today!
Here are some photos of us in our costumes. I didn't want to post them earlier in the week as you hadn't seen them on stage in them!
Week beginning 28.11.22
Hopefully the phonics video will open this time. I have written the tricky words above.
We have had such a fun week in Reception this week. We have been practising our Nativity in the hall, we have made some beautiful Christmas decorations and some of us have been and collected sticks so that we can make Stickman! We have been to Church and watched Year 2 lead the most amazing Advent service and we have explored what makes lights turn on and off.
Week beginning 21.11.22
Apologies that I am a little late uploading things this week.
We sent home Nativity lines on Thursday with the children who have them. Please practise them with your child as we will be practising it next week. Thanks so much for your support with this.
We have had a super work in class, we have been really busy and we have now buddied up with Y6. There are some photos below showing us with our Y6 buddy. Y6 have been rewriting the Lord's Prayer so that younger children can understand it. Mr S told them that they would be giving their work to Reception so Y6 took extra special care over them and enjoyed sharing them with our children. As it was such a lovely session we have decided that we are going to continue these sessions and make Reading buddies. The Year 6 children will share our reading books with us and then they will write in our reading records so please make sure they are in your child's book bag on Fridays.
We had fun in Maths making different shapes using 4 cubes. Who knew there were so many ways you could do it!
We also took our paper and clipboards outside and had a go at drawing some trees. We have some fantastic artists in our class.
Here is the Phonics video for this week.
Please see tricky words in blue above. These are the ones we have learnt so far.
Week beginning 14.11.22
We have had such a busy week in Reception. It was Jigsaw Jenie's birthday on Monday so the children decided to decorate the Home Corner for him. They made paper chains which were great exercise for their fingers. On Thursday we made some buns and on Friday we had a party and ate the buns! We also had fun doing Children in Need activities, I think the children's favourite one was making Pudsey ears!
We had lots of fun getting togged up and splashing in the rain as well. It really has been a busy but fun week.
We sent home a slip with each child on Friday explaining what part they have in the Nativity and whether or not they need any additional clothing. Next week we will be sending home any lines that the children need to learn and we will be practising them in class.
Here are some photos of us enjoying our learning this week.
Here is the phonics video for this week
These photos are from last week where the children set up a dining table and served up an absolute feast!
Week beginning 7.11.22
We have had another super week in Reception. We have been very busy creating some beautiful poppy paintings and learning about Remembrance Day. We also enjoyed telling our bonfire night news!
Here is this week's phonics video. Apologies about the end where I list the tricky words we have learnt. I said we had learnt 'to' but we haven't yet, we have learnt I, the, is and as.
Week beginning 31.10.22
Welcome back!
We have had a lovely week. There will be no phonics video this week as we have had our assessment week.
Today we did some yoga in class and it was so much fun!
We had a letter delivered to us today by mistake, it was meant for Percy the Park Keeper! It was from the park manager asking Percy to make a list of all the things he has in his hut. Some of the children thought they had seen Percy outside so they went looking for him. They found footprints and hand prints so some children started drawing maps of where he might live. It was so exciting, especially when one of our super stars said she thought she had seen Percy doing backflips along our outdoor trail! Here we are in our independent learning.
Another of our superstars found a snail today and he showed such compassion. He looked after it so well and named it Bobby. He made sure he had leaves and when he put him down he made sure that he was away from where people might stand on him. What a super day we have had. I'm excited for tomorrow already!
Here are some photos of us in our learning enjoying building up our muscles by hammering golf tees into Autumnal vegetables! Look at the concentration on our faces. So many of us wanted a turn we had to be very patient and wait until it was our turn.
If you have any carboard tubes at home then please can you send them into school ready for our firework painting and making this week and next.
Your child has come home today with their Christmas card design. Please follow the instructions to place your order.
Here are some photos of our classroom for your to see.
Week beginning 17.10.22
We had a great time at the church service today. We walked there so sensibly and all the adults were so proud of us.
Here are some photos of today's lunch. The Sunday lunch has the option of gravy.
Week beginning 10.10.22
Here is the phonics video update for this week.
We had a lovely time this afternoon on our Autumn walk in the school grounds. We found some beautiful Autumn treasures which had beautiful colours on them. We collected some in our bags and then made a beautiful collaborative autumn collage (and we added some glitter to make it even more beautiful) Some of us chose to make our own Autumn collage in the classroom and they looked fantastic as well.
Week beginning 3.10.22
We have had another busy week in Reception. We had the parachute out in PE but unfortunately we were having such a good time Mrs Jagger forgot to take any photos!
We have started to put some photos onto Tapestry so keep an eye out for those. You can also add your own photos and little explanations of what is happening for Mrs Lancaster and I to see.
We also started learning what happens in our Reading Practice sessions and we got into groups and met some of the adults who will be working with us. Here we are in our groups enjoying some stories. Next week we will be reading to a grown up!
We had fun in Provision with our friends.
Here is the Phonics update for this week.
Week beginning 30.9.22
We have had another super week in class. We have been learning about the Creation Story and have created a beautiful display in the corridor showing the different things that Christians believe God created. Some of us also used some of our loose parts and created our own model of the Creation story showing clouds, animals, people, rainbows and the sun, stars and moon.
Try reading words which include these sounds, e.g. dip, din, nap, sat, it, pin, pan, tip, in
Week beginning 20.9.22
This week we continued our daily phonics sessions and we started a daily short Maths session as well. We also did our first RE session so we have really had a busy week. We have also had lots of fun playing with our new friends. We had a go at taking selfies too which was fun!
Here are some photos of us in our learning.
Today (Friday) we went into the hall for our first Collective Worship. On Fridays it is Achievers so here are the superstars from Reception who got a certificate this week. Everyone was so impressed with how well we walked into the hall and how we sat and listened so well to Mrs Wyatt.
Here is our Phonics video update for this week.
Week beginning 12.9.22
On Friday we are starting our phonics lessons. We are starting with the 's' phoneme. Each week I will put a video on here so that you can see what we have been learning that week. The children may come home with a sticker on them (they may peel them off before they get home though!)
Super star emails - Occasionally I send emails home to let you know that your child is a super star and why, so keep an eye out for these in your inbox! We are not going into Celebrations Collective Worship just yet but when we do the children will start bringing home certificates for different readons
We started sharing our treasure boxes that we made at home with our grown ups. There are some beautiful boxes. We will be taking something out of each box and putting it on our wall and when we have shown our box we will bring it home.
Thank you for the amazing efforts you have put into making them.
I will be giving out certificates for the Summer reading challenge this week so please ensure you pass them to Mrs Jagger on the gate.
I have attached the Autumn 1 newsletter to the top of this page.
We had a fantastic day on Friday. We did lots of playing and we have learnt how to walk in a line and we have started to put our hands up when we want to talk on the carpet. We have done lots and lots of singing and dancing and we played a fun game where we had to guess who was hiding under the blanket.
Look at the concentration on our faces. We are really enjoying our learning and playing with our new friends.
Day 2
Well today has been super exciting as we continued to explore our new school for the first time without our adults. We had such fun and the sun came out for us when we went outside! Here are some more photos of us getting to know our new friends and enjoying our learning.
Welcome to Reception at All Hallows' C of E Primary School, we are so excited to get to know you all. We had a fantastic first day. and below are some photographs of us exploring our new classroom.
2021-22 cohort
It is hugely important that the children can read all of the tricky words and graphemes that have been sent home. Please continue to practise these daily so that the children become fluent and are able to then recognise them in words.
For your reference they are listed here
Phase 2
is, I, the, and, has, his, her, into, as, she, he, of, no, go, to, me, we, be
s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, l, ll, j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, ss, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, nk
Phase 3
my, by, all, are, sure, pure, you, was, they
ai, ee, igh, oa, oo (as in moon and as in hook), ar, or, ur, ow, ear, air, er
Phase 4 (I will add these as we learn them)
said, so, have, like, some, come, love, do, were, here, there, when, what, one, out, today
Week beginning 18.7.22
Apologies that I have been very quiet on here recently. Here are some photos of us in our learning over the past few weeks.
Today (Thursday) we made sandwiches in class and then ate them! They were delicious!
Here are a selection of photos in Provision. Please note, these are not taken during the heatwave.
Unfortunately I am unable to put many Sports Day photos on due to teams being mixtures of each year group. Thank you for your understanding.
Keeping cool in the heatwave!
Week beginning 20.6.22
We had a fantastic trip to The Deep today (Wednesday) to support our learning on 'Blue Planet'. The children's behaviour was commented on and the staff there could not believe it was their first ever school trip.
Here are some photos of our day.
I have more to add so watch this space!
Some of these photos may be duplicated so apologies if you've seen them in the gallery above.
Week beginning 13.6.22
Just a reminder that it is our school trip next Wednesday. Children need to be in school by 8.15am and we are due to return at 3.30pm. If your child is at an out of school club in the morning or after school please can you advise them.
Here are some photos of us in our learning this week.
We had HSBC bank in to talk to us about money and how to look after our money.
Week beginning 7.6.22
Thank you to everyone who brought a book in for our RE session. We really enjoyed sharing our favourite books with each other.
Week beginning 23.5.22
If you would like to support your child at home with their Phase 3 and Phase 4 phonics I have attached some phonics activities here
Here is a link to the parents' section of the Little Wandle website if you are interested in learning more about the Little Wandle approach
Just a reminder that it is our class photograph on Friday 27th May.
On Thursday afternoon we are hoping to go on a walk around Almondbury to support our topic of 'Do All Superheroes wear a Cape?' We will be looking at different buildings where people help us, e.g. doctors surgery, church, Co-op, Post Office. Please ensure your child has sensible footwear on and as we will not be doing PE as well they need to have their uniforms on. If it is sunny then please provide your child with a cap and put sun cream on before school.
On Tuesday we had a very exciting visit from a Fire Fighter. He told us all about his job and showed us his uniform. He answered our questions and showed us how to do the 'BA Shuffle'! We would like to say a massive thank you to him for coming in on his day off to talk to us about how he helps people and what his job involves.
On Wednesday we had a visit from a Detective and he brought some PCs with him. He told us all about how he has to solve clues to find out what happened and then everyone who wanted to could try on some uniform. We would like to say a massive thank you to the Police for coming into our class to talk to us today we had a really great time. Thank you for answering our questions as well.
Week beginning 16.5.22
We had a lovely (and busy) week this week. We were very fortunate to have visits from a Scientist and a police officer. We would like to say another massive thank you to both visitors for giving up their time to come and talk to us. As one of our super stars said, "It was fascinating!"
Next week we have a visit from a fire fighter and a detective. Here are some photos of us in our learning.
We had great fun on the bikes making roads and creating a car wash! You might even be able to see that some of our seeds that we planted a couple of weeks ago have started to grow!
Here is the phonics update from this week.
Week beginning 9.5.22
A little job for you at home this weekend. Please put your child’s name in the centre of a piece of paper. Then family and friends write down all the things that they like most about them. You can decorate these if you wish with drawings, stickers, patterns. Please send these into school by Friday 20th May.
This week we have decided to tidy up our gardening area. We bought some seeds and compost and set to clearing out the old sinks and tyres. Some of us spent each outdoor session doing this and absolutely loved it!
Here are some photos of us playing our Maths game. We started with two full 10 frames then we had to roll the dice and subtract that number. The winner was the person who took the last counter and it had to be exact.
Week beginning 2.5.22
Wowsers trousers! What a week! We have had such a busy week considering it has only been 4 days, I expect the children are exhaused! Hand to Mouth, Bikeability, a visit from a Paramedic and huge news...THE TRIM TRAIL AND SANDPIT ARE OPEN!!
Mrs Wyatt brought some scissors and we had a grand opening then had a good long play out there.
When the Paramedic came we bandaged each other up, saw the uniform and learnt about the reflective strips then we saw her use a stethoscope and we pretended to drive an ambulance with the sirens playing. It was so good to hear about the life of a real life superhero. Thank you Jenny for giving up your time to visit us in Reception.
On Tuesday we had Hand to Mouth in to work with us and we learnt about the Creation Story. we listened and sang a song then we made our own animal puppets.
Paramedic visit
The grand opening of the trim trail. Mrs Wyatt couldn't wait to try it out!
Phonics video
Welcome back!
We hope you had a lovely Easter holiday. The weather was kind which made a nice change!
We have had a busy few days back at school so we thought we would share our learning so far. Our Unit of Work is 'Do All Superheroes Wear a Cape?' and we are beginning by looking at fictional superheroes so the costumes have been fully embraced by the children!
Today (Wednesday) we went on a walk in the school grounds to look at the beautiful natural things that we normally take for granted. We talked about how we can care for the World and we enjoyed laying on the grass and listening to the sounds of birdsong and the smell of the grass. We then drew some of the things we observed.
In PE we did some rocking and rolling
We tasted lots of different fruits and made a graph showing which our favourite one was.
We are all super excited about our new trail and sand pit and we can't wait to use them!
Here is the phonics update for this week.
Week beginning 4.4.22
Here are some photos of us enjoying painting with spices this week and drawing eggs on the computer.
Don't forget that you can bring your entries for the Easter Eggshibition on Thursday or Friday this week and on Friday a winner from each class will be chosen. Get creative and have fun!
Your child may come home with a red piece of paper this week with some graphemes and tricky words to practise.
This afternoon we went to church for the Easter service. The children were superstars walking to church and sitting through the service. Well done Reception.
There is a lovely app you can use at home with your child to help them with their maths. It is a free app and it is called White Rose Maths 1 minute maths. The children have enjoyed exploring this app in Provision today, especially the subiting!
After Easter our topic is going to be 'Do All Superheroes Wear a Cape?' and as part of this we will be looking at jobs that people do which help us in our everyday lives, e.g. builders, nurses, fire fighters, vets, dentists, police, postal workers, cleaners etc.
We would love to invite some real life superheroes into school to talk to us about what they do to help people and what their jobs involve. If this is something you feel you would be able to do or if you want to clarify anything please email me or see me after school one evening.
It does not have to be a long talk, even 10 minutes would give the children an insight into real life jobs and would really help enthuse the children in our topic.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Don't forget that on Friday we have our Easter Eggshibition. You can bring your entries into school on Thursday or Friday this week then they will be taken down to church to be displayed there.
Week beginning 28.3.22
Next week we are going to be doing some fruit tasting. I did email everyone asking if there are any fruits your child can not have. If there are any, please let me know before Thursday 7th April.
Next week is phonics assessment week so please practise the tricky words and graphemes above and have a look at some of the words in the home learning sheets (posted below).
Just a polite reminder that your child needs to return their Little Wandle Reading book on Monday. All other reading books are changed as normal.
If your child is off school but is keen to know what we are doing in phonics this week you can see the sessions below.
Week beginning 21.3.22
The children brought home their new Little Wandle Reading Practice books this week. Please ensure they are returned on Monday. We will be monitoring the books closely as we will need them for the next group. Thank you for your cooperation.
We went into the hall on Friday for the first time for Collective Worship. It was the Achievers' Collective Worship and here are this week's superstars.
Here are some home learning ideas which match the phonics we are doing in class this week for those of you who are at home.
We have had a great time enjoying the warmer weather and taking more of our learning outside. We have enjoyed exploring the water tray and experimenting with slopes and noticing what it does to the flow of the water. We have also made a Rock Star band and decorated a changing room!
We made some Easter Gardens today as part of our RE work. We are so impressed with the children's work and their ability to work together. We love them. What do you think?
Week beginning 14.3.22
The weather has been kind to us this week so we took full advantage and gave our outdoor area a good tidy up. The children enjoyed sorting and organising the sheds and sweeping up the leaves.
Just a reminder that next Wednesday we will be sending home our new Little Wandle reading books and they MUST be returned the following Monday. The Library books and reading books we have been sending home will continue so the children will have three books from school each week.
This is a plea really to see if anyone has any small character figures, any wooden train track or toy cars they no longer need at home please as our supplies have really run low. If you are able to donate anything we would be really grateful. Thank you in advance.
Here are our superstar achievers for this week. Well done to you all
Here are some photos of our super writing in phonics where we had to write a sentence that Mrs Jagger gave us.
Today we tried some hot cross buns following our lesson about Good Friday. Some of us were not very keen but some of us loved them and had seconds (and thirds!)
Here are our superstar achievers for this week. Well done :-)
Thank you to everyone who sent photographs and certificates for our Jigsaw lesson on Friday. It was lovely to listen to the children talk about what they do outside school.
Here are our superstar achievers for this week. Well done to you all!
World Book Day
We had a super day for World Book Day today. We had a great time this afternoon reading with our Year 6 buddies and then we did a quiz. Here are some photos of us from today.
We had a visit to Church this afternoon for the Ash Wednesday service. Some of the children chose to have an ash cross placed on their forehead. Unfortunately we didn't get many photos but what we did get will go on here very soon. The children walked to and from church with a year 5 or year 6 buddy and it was lovely to see them and hear some of the conversations they were having with their new friends.
Yesterday we played a game in our maths lesson so here are some photos. We had a number line and we had to add two dice together to see how far we could move.
1You will never believe what happened in class overnight. Our cameras picked up on some movement and they show some eggs hatching! We don't know what they are but we suspect they may be baby dinosaurs so if you see any around please let us know! We do know they are friendly ones though. Some of the children made posters to let people know and some of the children handled the egg shells which were left behind. Here is the footage we saw (Please watch with the sound 0ff)
We hope you have all had a fantastic holiday. We have some exciting things planned for this half term beginning with Pancake Day on Tuesday. We will be trying some tasty toppings on some pancakes then on Wednesday we will be walking to church for our Ash Wednesday service. On Thursday it is World Book Day so your child needs to come to school either dressed as a book character or wearing something they feel comfortable in whilst reading. What a first week back!
It's half term! We hope you all have a fantastic week off and hopefully the sun will make an appearance at some point.
Here are some photos of our learning this week. We had great fun on Monday watching our ice pictures melt as they looked so beautiful.
Here are the superstar achievers for this week. Well done you superstars :-)
Week beginning 7.2.22
Here are our superstars who got an Achiever's certificate this week in Collective Worship.
Some of the children will be coming home over the next few days with a red piece of paper with graphemes and words to practise. Please practise these with your child. For pronunciation of the graphemes please look back at the phonics videos I have posted weekly on this page.
If you have not yet booked a parents' evening slot then please either email me or catch me on the gate to arrange a time. A letter and a reminder letter have been sent home with your child.
Here are some photos of us in our learning this week. We have been looking at composition of the numbers 7 and 8 in Maths and have been looking at which numbers we can make pairs with and which we can't.
Some of the children have enjoyed being like the paparazzi this week so there have been some interesting photographs on our Ipad camera roll! Here are a selection of snapped moments.
As part of our learning about cold places we have been busy making ice pictures. Tomorrow (Friday) we will be seeing how they turn out and we are very excited.
So...the rain last weekend meant that our outdoor area became rather muddy! We used it to our advantage though and got fully togged up and enjoyed playing in it! The smiles on our faces show how much we were enjoying ourselves. We are sorry if we have come home muddy this week but we promise we togged up but mud has a tendency to sneak onto our clothes (and faces) sometimes.
Week beginning 31.1.22
Here are our superstar achievers for this week.
We had a great time tasting lots of yummy Chinese food. Everyone tried something and some of us have new favourite foods! We listened to some traditional Chinese New Year music whilst we ate and we tidied up after ourselves.
Here are some photos of us enjoying our afternoon.
Week beginning 24.1.22
Great work from our superstar class. Over half of us walked to school today and everyone who walked said they loved it! Thank you to our grown ups for letting us do our bit to help reduce our carbon footprint.
Here are some photos of us walking to school.
We had a special visitor come into school today to talk to us about her role at her church of Baptism co-ordinator. In class we have been talking about feeling special and the feeling of belonging and Christians believe that being baptised is being welcomed into the Church family. We learnt about the 3 signs of Baptism (water, the cross and light) and we practised drawing a cross like a vicar does. One of us even pretended to be a vicar and baptised one of our home corner babies!
We have made some posters to promote our walk to school day. Mrs Lancaster put them all in our window so that our grown ups could see them at home time and Mrs Jagger wrote a huge sign on the playground floor in chalk!
This week we will be talking a lot more about our Courageous Advocacy Day where we are encouraging people to walk to school to cut down on car fumes. Don't forget to email me pictures of you walking to school on Thursday (or parking further away from school and walking the last bit).
We have our first walker!
Here are some photos of us exploring our provision this week. We have been talking about capacity and using words like full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty, half full. We have had a lot of fun exploring our water tray and using this vocabulary.
Here are our superstar achievers for this week. Well done :-)
Week beginning 17.1.22
We have three hoodies left in class following PE today (one of these is from well before Christmas) so if your child came home without one today it may be in the classroom. Please remember to name any hoodies that the children come in so that we can return them easily.
We have had a lovely week in class continuing to learn about the Arctic. In outdoor provision some of the children decided to make 'sledges'! They had great fun whizzing around outside with their friends! Here are some photos of us having fun :-)
We also spotted a seagull that spent a long time on our field doing a dance! We worked out that it was patting the ground and waiting for worms to pop up then it gobbled them up. Some of the children were fascinated and spent most of their lunchtime watching it!
Here are the achievers for this week. Well done to you all.
Courageous Advocacy
This week we have been talking about our Courageous Advocacy topic. We are currently learning about the North and South Pole and we have learnt that they are melting. It has surprised us and we want to help to do something about it so we talked about ways we can help the environment and the main way we feel we can help is to encourage people not to use their cars as much and to promote walking to school or if this is not possible then encourage people to park a little further away and walk a little bit. We talked about feeling that one person might not feel that they can make a difference but it each person gets one more person to do it and then they get one person and so on, soon there will be lots of people helping. We are going to be encouraging people to walk to school on Thursday 27th January. Please take photographs of you walking to school on this day so that we can put photographs on our website.
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Week beginning 10.1.22
Here are some photos of us making our polar bears. See if your child can remember any facts about polar bears.
On Friday we went outside and discussed ways of keeping warm. Whilst we did this we had a cup of hot chocolate! It was yummy and definitely kept us warm. Then we had a story.
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Happy New Year!
We have had a lovely first week back and particularly enjoyed exploring the snow and ice! We have started our new topic of 'Pole to Pole' and we have begun by learning about the Arctic.
Here are some photos of us enjoying our learning with our friends.
We had to see if we could partition 6 buttons in different ways to split the buttons between 3 snowmen. We all did a fantastic job and our teachers were very proud of us.
Here are our superstar achievers from this week. well done, we are very proud of you. Keep up the good work :-)
Here is the phonics video for this week.
Today was party day. We had such fun in Reception playing party games and having a good old boogie. There were some very rosy cheeks when we had finished! We played Pass the Parcel, Musical Statues and Sleeping logs. Here are some photos of us having fun, some of them are a little blurry as we were dancing so fast!
Week beginning 6.12.21
I have added a capital letter formation sheet to the top of this page now that we have finished Phase 2. There will not be a video this week as we have been revisiting and reviewing this week. Please keep practising the tricky words that were in your child's bag on Friday.
We had a lovely week this week. We had fun splashing in the rain, went to church for our Advent service and we got to try on our Nativity costumes (we are not putting those photos on just yet as we don't want to spoil the surprise!) Don't forget that it is our Nativity on Tuesday and Wednesday this week and we have our dress rehearsal on Monday so if you haven't brought your costumes in already please make sure you have them in school tomorrow. We break up for the Christmas holidays on Friday and Thursday is Christmas jumper / non-uniform and party day. Please make sure that jumpers and cardigans are named. we do have a few unclaimed unnamed school jumpers and cardigans so if you have lost one please have a look through the pile.
Here are our superstar achievers this week. Well done to you all.
Here are some photos of our week.
Well what a week this has been! We started the week off with snow! Here are some photos of us enjoying ourselves.
Here are our superstar achievers from this week. Well done to you all.
Here are some pictures of us in our learning.
We took delivery of a cheeky elf on Wednesday and he wrapped up our Christmas tree!
Today we had a live Zoom with Nick Sharratt who is a famous illustrator. He has illustrated over 350 books. We did some drawings with him and he read us his new story 'Shark in the Snow'.
The children have brought home some tricky words to practise reading. Please practise these regularly with your child.
Here is the phonics video showing our phonics learning this week.
Week beginning 22.11.21
We have another busy week in Reception and it's safe to say we are in full on Nativity practice mode! If your child has lines to learn then please can you practise them regularly with them so that they can remember them confidently. Please encourage them to say them slowly, loudly and clearly.
Here are our Superstar Achievers. Well done to you all. We now have Vision certificates instead of Values and we are going to be recognising children who demonstrate the school vision of Resilience, Aspiration and Compassion.
Here are a few photos of us discovering the Numicon pieces. At first we pretended they were clicky fingernails but then we started subitising with them and then making number bonds and repeated patterns.
Here is the phonics update for this week. Please practise these regularly with your child and put them into words for them to read and write.
Week beginning 15.11.21
Here is the phonics video for this week. Please practise these with your child.
This week is Road Safety awareness week and Nursery rhymes week so we will be talking about these. Talk to your child at home about both of these so that they can share their knowledge in class. Have fun singing some Nursery rhymes!
We have had a super week of learning in Reception this week which was topped of with Children in Need on Friday. Here are some photos of us which we hope you enjoy looking at.
We have made stables and donkeys following our RE lesson on Thursday. We have been on shape hunts and we had fun with spots on Friday!
Here are our Superstar Achievers for this week. Well done to you all :-)
Week beginning 8.11.21
First of all I need to apologise that there have been no photos uploaded from this week. I will pop them on next week.
This week we have been talking about Remembrance Day and the children have been learning about what poppies are and why people wear them. The children did a minute's silence on Thursday and were so respectful so well done to them all.
Also on Thursday we practised some more of our dance to the famous 'Toy Story' song, 'You've got a Friend in Me' I am hoping to film it next week and put it on here so you can see how amazing they are at it!
We have also started the...NATIVITY!!!!! I can't believe how quickly it has come around but there has definitely been a bit of a festive feel in Reception class this week. The songs are really catchy and no doubt you will all be singing them at home very soon! We set up a little Nativity scene on a shelf in the classroom and I asked the children to put them where they thought they would go well. They were so proud of their arrangement they asked me to put it on the website so they could show their grown ups!
Here is the update on the phonemes we have been learning in class. Please practise these with your child and encourage them to read and write words which contain these phonemes.
Pronunciation guides have been uploaded at the top of this page for your reference.
Here are our Achievers for this week. Well done you Super stars!
Week beginning 1.11.21
Here are our Achievers this week. They were so proud of their certificates! Well done to you all.
We have had a great first week back. We have been learning about Diwali this week which is the Hindu festival of Light and we have made some clay diva pots.
We are also going to be learning about Guy Fawkes on Friday. We have made fireworks and firework pictures using paint and even on the computer! Are you going to be seeing any fireworks this weekend?
In our Jigsaw lesson this week we are going to be talking about things that we are good at in school. Can you please talk with your child at home and talk about things that the children are good at at home so that they get a wider sense of different achievements and record the things they say on Tapestry.
This week we have been learning the phonemes / graphemes h, b, f, l so please practise these at home regularly and include words such as fit, but, hot etc for the children to read. I will put a video on tomorrow (Friday) which shows the formation and pictures we use and the correct pronunciation.
Here are our End of half term superstars who achieved the Above and Beyond award and the Always award. We also have our Dojo winner. Well done to you all, you make us so proud.
Wow wow wow! The children have impressed us so much today with how sensible they were walking to and from church. In church they sat beautifully and listened to the other classes perform their songs and prayers and of course they performed their own song really well. I think the Strictly judges would say A.Ma.Zing!
As we walked out of church one of our superstars said, "That was amazing!"
Lots of adults in school have come to see us to say how super they were and how well they all behaved so well done everyone.
Week beginning 11th October
Here is this week's phonics video. Please practise these graphemes and phonemes with your child as we will be seeing which ones they can remember next week.
We have taken lots of photos of the children in provision this week to share with you. The children have really focused this week and have produced some fabulous work. The children are so kind to one another it is really wonderful to see.
Here are our Superstar achievers this week. Well done to you all, we are so proud of you :-)
Just a reminder about Parents' evening slips. I will be handing out times on Friday so if you have not returned your form yet please do so ASAP.
Please keep practising the phonemes we have covered in class. We practise them daily but any extra practise will help your child. Please also keep practising your child's name with them. We have seen a massive improvement and we will be starting to ask the children to write their names as one of their morning jobs from tomorrow, but again, extra practice would help.
We are having another lovely week in Reception. This week we have been creating repeating patterns using objects and colours. Last week we went on an Autumn walk in our school grounds and looked at the change in the trees and the weather. We all collected some autumn treasures and then brought them back to class to create an Autumn collage.
Week beginning 4th October
Here are the phonemes we have been practising in class this week.
We have had another super week in Reception. The children are really getting into our routine and are enjoying learning lots of new and exciting things. We have been drawing maps this week showing our houses and we have been putting places we know on them.
It has certainly been a mixed bag weather wise but we have still had lots of fun outside making conker runs, chalking and building towers which were taller and shorter than Mrs Lancaster's! We even found some helicopter leaves from a Sycamore tree so we had lots of fun watching then spin as we threw them in the air. One of our superstars found them and enjoyed showing his friends how to throw them up in the air.
Here are our Superstar Achievers for this week. Well done to you all :-)
Week beginning 27th September
Here are our superstar achievers for this week. Well done to you all and keep up the good work.
Here is the Phonics video for this week. Examples of words you can orally blend and ask your child to read are; sat, sit, pit, pat, dip, pad, it, an, man, map, pan. Please encourage your child to practise writing the graphemes following the formation phrases / mnemonics on the video using a good pencil grip.
Click here for a copy of the formation phrases (mnemonics) we use.
This week some of the children chose to bring home their first library book. This is a book to read for pleasure at home. Please return this book next Wednesday as this is our next Library session.
Just a reminder that we have PE on Thursday.
We have been doing lots of sorting and matching in our Maths lessons this week. Following one of the lessons I showed the children my Grandma's button box and some of the children chose to look at the buttons and sort them. It was so lovely to see the children sorting them in different ways. We had some that sorted into blue and not blue, we had two groups who sorted them into shiny and not shiny and one group sorted them into buttons with 4 holes and buttons without 4 holes. Well done everyone.
We will get the buttons out in Provision for the children to sort through in different ways.
Week beginning 20th September
Here is the Phonics video I have been promising. Please practise these phonemes regularly with your child, including writing the grapheme. Your child does not have to just do the letter formation on paper, they can do it in a tray of sand / flour / glitter or chalk it on the ground or dip a paint brush in water and 'paint' the grapheme. Have fun!
Here are our Achievers from the past 2 weeks. Well done Superstars!
Thank you to everyone who attended the Zoom meeting this morning. A copy of the slideshow can be found at the top of this page. I hope you found it helpful but if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me via email. It is
Thank you for your co-operation at home time with swapping gates. This change is due to congestion on the corner and outside other class rooms.
We have had a super week of learning in Reception. We have started our Phonics lessons and have so far learnt s, a, t and p. We have been practising our writing and getting our letter formation spot on. We have also been working on our pencil grips. Please can we ask that you help your child with their pencil grip if they are writing at home. A pincer grip is preferred. These pictures might help you help your child.
At the end of every week I will try to pop on a video of what we have covered in Phonics and help you with pronunciation and to show you how you can help your child with their phonics at home.
We have loved listening to the children share their treasure boxes in class and we are getting a beautiful display in our classroom which the children (and other staff) are enjoying looking at. We are still working our way through them so if your child has not brought one in yet and still wants to there is still time.
Just a reminder about our Reception Zoom meeting on Friday morning at 9.30am. I have sent the link in an email but if you need it again please email me at and I can resend it. If you are unable to attend the meeting do not worry as I will pop the Powerpoint at the top of this page following the meeting. If you do have any questions then please email me and I will get back to you.
PE - We had so much fun in PE today working with our parachute. Unfortunately I forgot to take any photographs as we were having so much fun!
Please check your child's hair regularly for unwanted visitors.
We have had some fun in Provision today and we have also been taking selfies! Look at our huge smiles whilst we are in our learning areas.
We are still awaiting permission for some children to have their photographs on the website. If Mrs Irving has emailed you about this please go and see her in the office as soon as possible. Thanks
Welcome to our new Reception children. We have had a super couple of days so far and the children have blown us away with how well they came into school this morning! Watch this space for some photos of us making new friends and exploring our classroom.
In the next few weeks we will be arranging parent / carer log in details for Tapestry, which is our online Learning journey, where observations are recorded. As parents / carers you will also be able to upload your own observations to show us what superstars your children are at home.
If your child has an accident at school, such as a trip, bump, cut / graze, toileting accident we will inform you via Medical Tracker which will send you an email so please check your emails regularly, including your junk folder.
You will soon be receiving a newsletter which has information about the learning we will be doing this half term. This will be sent via email and there will also be a copy of it at the top of this class page.
I will give you plenty of notice when PE is starting.
Please put your child’s name in every item of clothing, including wellies.
As promised, here is the slideshow with our September photos that I could not get working in the Zoom. I had it to the backing music 'Reach for the Stars' but I can't do that on here. It may be possible but I don't know how to do it! I can't believe how much they have grown!
Apologies it took a while to get on but as it is now online I had to ensure each photograph was GDPR compliant. Thank you for your patience and enjoy :-)
I want to thank you all for everything you have done this year to support your child in their learning and their first year at All Hallows'. Despite the challenges we have had a lovely year and I can honestly say that I am going to miss them so much. The kindness, care and compassion they show to one another shines through and I know that this will continue as they go through school. I always tell them how proud I am of them and I absolutely mean it. They have embraced everything with enthusiasm and I honestly could not be prouder and can't wait to see them flourish further as they go through school.
I hope to see as many of the children as possible on our final Zoom session this afternoon so we can have our final Fun Time Friday together.
I wish you all a lovely, safe and happy summer.
Mrs Jagger
As you move up to Year 1 we wave you off with pride
We know you will be amazing with good friends by your side.
We have lots of memories of laughter and of fun
And we'll watch with pride as we see you bloom further in Year 1.
Mr Moss is a lucky man you have a class like you
You have more amazing times to come, learning all things new
You will "blow our socks off" lots of times as we watch you all go far.
Just know you are all superstars just the way you are.
Love from Mrs Jagger, Miss Bushby and Mrs Lancaster
Sorry I have been a little quiet on here but we have been very busy in class and have been producing some fantastic work. I hope you enjoy these photos of us in our learning.
I would also like to say a big thank you to everyone who sent a book in. The children have thoroughly enjoyed sharing their books and hearing some new stories and some old favourites.
Here are the achievers from last week. From left to right we have Dojo winner, Achiever, Values, Achiever, Values. Well done to all of our Superstars!
Week beginning 14th June
Just a reminder about sending your child's favourite book into school this week. I shared mine today and it was also Mrs Lancaster's favourite!
We have really enjoyed sharing our special books with our friends. We haven't managed to read them all yet so we have them in school still and will share them next week.
Here are some of the books we have read so far
Wre had such fun in PE on Thursday. We played some parachute games and we finished off by throwwing lots of balls onto the parachute and we had to fling them off!
We have had lots of fun in Provision. We have been reading the story of 'The Rainbow Fish' Here are some photos of us in our learning.
Here are our superstar achievers this week. Well done to all of you! PS I have your certificates in school so I will give them out on Monday (sorry)
We have (from left to right) Achiever, Values, Dojo, Dojo, Values, Values, Achiever.
Week beginning 8th June
We have had a lovely first week back. We started our new Unit of work which is 'Blue Planet'. The newsletter for this half term will be coming soon and will have more information about the work we are going to be covering. We will email it and also put it on here for you to access.
The children have enjoyed their learning this week. We have also been talking about our school value which is Courage for this half term. We talked about times when we had to be brave and some children did some writing for the display board in the hall.
Here are some photos of us in our learning this week.
Here are our superstar achievers this week. From left to right we have Achiever, Dojo winner, Achiever, Achiever, Values. Well done to you all :-)
We have been very busy getting our classroom ready for the children's return next week. I wonder if you can guess what our unit of work is going to be?!
Our display boards are ready and waiting for some of your fabulous work to go on them.
In RE we are looking at special stories. If you have a favourite book you would like to share with us then bring it in but please make sure it has your name in.
Happy holidays!
I hope you are all having a wonderful half term holiday. Hasn't it been wonderful to have some sunshine?!
Here are some photos of our fabulous learning in the last week of last half term. We had great fun at our Ugly Bug Ball on the last afternoon where we played games and had a tasty treat to end the half term.
Don't forget, we return to school on Tuesday 8th June. If the sun is still shining please remember to put some sun cream on your child before they come to school as we are unable to apply it in school. Also please provide a named sun hat.
Here are our Superstars from last week. We have 2 Dojo winners, an Always award and an Above and Beyond award. Well done to all of you.
Week beginning 17th May
We have had another super few days of learning and today we turned into very Hungry Caterpillars ourselves and had lots of different fruit in our Funtime Friday fruit party. It was so much fun and the children's manners were beautiful.
We also made a compliments web using a ball of wool. The children had to stand in a circle and then pass the ball of wool to somebody else in the circle and pay them a compliment. The children loved this activity and were very impressed with the web they made. They said it made them feel good when somebody said something nice about them.
Here are our superstar achievers for this week. Well done all of you!
Here are some more photos of our super learning. How cute is the little chick made by one of our superstars?!
We had such fun this afternoon using an app called Chatterpix where we made animals talk! It was so funny, we made a snake hiss and we made a dinosaur roar!
Your child should have come home with a time for parents' evening. If the time given is not convenient then please let me know asap. If you have not yet returned your child's form then please do so and I will try my best to fit you in.
Another super start to our week. We have been talking about butterflies and their lifecycle. We watched a video which showed how they go from an egg to a caterpillar, into a chrysallis and then into a butterfly and of course we read the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'! We then did some writing about the different stages and we made our grown ups so proud. Mrs Jagger even showed Miss Reid some of our super work.
Here are some photos of us in provision today.
Week beginning 10th May
Here are our Achievers for this week. Well done, Superstars!
Well the super learning has continued today in Reception class! Today we read the story 'Superworm', then we made a wormery and then in groups the children sequenced the instructions and wrote sentences about what we did. There has been some amazing work. Outside, the children have enjoyed searching for worms but our wormery is now full! They have really enjoyed their learning in Provision. Some of the children have said they are going to make a wormery at home so I have put the instructions below in case you would like to make one.
Click here for How to make a wormery
Here are some photos of us enjoying our learning today.
Week beginning 4th May
Wowser trousers! What a fantastic week we had in Reception. The weather ended up being kinder than we thought and we had some super learning taking place outside. One of our superstars found a worm in our outdoor area which he showed real care and concern for as he did not want the worm to get hurt. He created a little area for it and his friends helped him by collecting some leaves, grass and stones. He made sure that no one stood on the worm and everyone was very careful. Next week I think he is going to like our story 'Super Worm' by Julia Donaldson.
The children are really enjoying our 'All Creatures Great and Small' unit of work. So far we have learnt about dinosaurs, farm animals and we are now moving onto Minibeasts. We wil be making a wormery as part of our learning which I for one am very excited about!
We had our Superstar achievers who got awards for doing some fantastic learning and really pushing themselves. Photos will follow so watch this space!
I will upload some photos of the children in their learning very soon so keep an eye on this page.
Have a lovely weekend :-)
Week beginning 26th April
We have had a lovely week in Reception this week. Here are some lovely photos of the children in their independent learning.
Here are our Superstar achievers for this week. Well done Superstars!.
Week beginning 19th April
What another busy week we have had in Reception! Our dinosaur hatched and it was ........a Triceratops! Three of our children predicted this when we checked the graph we had made. Unfortunately it is a little bit of a monkey and every day this week when we have come into class he has been hiding! The children have loved writing sentences and drawing pictures in Provision saying where the dinosaur is hiding.
We have also been learning about how dinosaurs roamed the Earth millions of years ago. We then moved on to looking at how we have changed since we were babies and the children came up with some fantastic ideas, e.g. "I can now listen to adults." "I am stronger." "I can walk." We have been looking at photographs of some of us as babies and have been trying to work out who they are. We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has sent a photograph to me. It has been so much fun seeing how much everyone has changed. Some were really easy to work out and some were really hard. Who do you think this baby is?
We have been working on our number bonds to 10 as well.
Here are our superstars this week who got awards in Achievement Collective Worship.
We have had a super week of learning in Reception. Here are some more photos to show you.
Here are our superstar achievers for this week. Well done :-)
Egg update... As we came into the classroom today the egg had started to crack! It was super eggciting!!
This afternoon we went on a walk around our school grounds to look at the things that Christians believe that God created. We had a lovely time exploring the natural environment and seeing things from different angles. We laid down and looked at the sky and saw the clouds moving. We saw pictures in the clouds and we saw the most beautiful patterns that the roots have made in the soil under the big tree in the playground. One of our superstars said, "I love the feeling of the sun on my skin." Another one of our observant superstars noticed that the underside of a daisy was pink! We looked at stones and talked about why some of them are smooth and we smelt the cut grass. We found a ladybird and could hear bird song but unfortunately we found some litter as well so we talked about what people should do with their rubbish. We all had a fabulous afternoon and we hope you enjoy looking at our pictures.
Welcome back to the Summer term! We hope you all had a lovely Easter.
We had such a surprise today in class as Miss Bellwood found an egg in our outdoor area and with it was a pile of cards. The cards all had different dinosaurs on them with some clues. She brought the egg into class and straight away the children were telling her she needed somewhere safe and warm to put it so she put it in Mrs Jagger's scarf! After looking at the cards the children decided that it was a dinosaur egg so we looked at some different dinosaus on the Interactive whiteboard so we could learn some names! The children suggested making a nest to keep it safe so that's what they did. Here are some pictures of the children enjoying thier learning.
We also made a graph with our predictions on of what type of dinosaur might hatch from the egg. T-Rex was the clear winner!
If anybody knows where we can get some cable reels from please can you let me know via email as we need some new ones for our outdoor area. Thanks
We have had such a lovely week in Reception. We have been working with the Beebots, planting new seeds, tasting hot cross buns, making Easter cards, decorating an Easter cross and going on an Easter egg hunt. Here are some photos of us having a lovely time in our learning.
Here are our superstar acheivers this week. As it is the end of the half term we have an 'Always' award, an 'Above and Beyond' award and a Dojo award. These boys have blown us away so a huge well done.
Week beginning 22.3.21
This week in RE we have been learning more about the Easter story. The children have been so engaged in their lessons and have listened so carefully. They have discussed the events of the Christian story so maturely and some children have taken it into provision and have acted out the story. Here are some photos of some of us doing our follow up work.
Here are our superstar achievers for this week...
We have been so impressed with how well you have all got back in to yourlearning this week we could not pick anyone out so we chose everyone.
Great work reception, we are so proud of you. Don't forget to show your grown ups your certificates.
WB 15.3.21
How lovely has it been to see some sunshine this week! We have made the most of the fine weather and have had lots of fun in Provision building dens. Here are some photos of us in our independent learning.
We have been learning about Palm Sunday in our RE lesson. Today we made our own palm leaves and acted out the story.
Here are our superstar achievers for this week.
A huge well done to all of our class for settling back into their learning so well. We are so proud of each and every one of you.
Here are some photos of us in Provision this afternoon after we had been learning about how Police find clues at a crime scene. We decided to draw around our feet and then measure them using cubes. We did so much maths. We talked about who had more cubes and who had fewer cubes, who was longer and who was shorter, how many more cubes did someone have than someone else and the children absolutely loved it. Some of them moved onto drawing around their hands and did the same activity!
It has been so lovely seeing the children back in school. Some of them literally bounce through the door with huge smiles on their faces!
As soon as they came in yesterday they got straight on to the important business of playing with their friends (after washing their hands). We got some lovely photos of them in provision. I am sure they will make you smile :-)
I would like to take this opportunity to thank one of our dads / governor, Mr Phillips for making us a brand new mud kitchen. Our previous one was on its last legs and Mr Phillips gave up his time to create this beautiful new kitchen for the children to enjoy. The children were so excited when they saw it in the playground yesterday when they arrived at school and couldn't wait to start using it. So here is a great big
Here are our super potato entries. Well done to everyone who took part, you smashed it! Miss Bushby also took part, see if you can spot her Evil Pea.
Here are the Powerpoints to help you with your discussions about Lent
Click here (All About Lent)
Click here (All About Ash Wednesday)
Here are the resources you can use to help your child orally or physically order the position the animals came in the Great Race.
With numbers click here
With ordinal numbers click here
Without numbers click here
2D shape powerpoint click here
Here are a couple of lovely powerpoints you can share with your child. It is some information about the Arctic and the people who live there (Inuits)
Photos powerpoint click here
Information powerpoint click here
Here is the maths sheet I couldn't attach to your email. Hopefully you can access it.
Please click here
We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. We will see you in January.
Stay safe
Mrs Jagger, Miss Bushby and Miss Bellwood
We learnt about how Christmas is celebrated in different countries around the world. We learnt that in China paper chains are a popular decoration and some of the children asked to make them in provision. We think they did a wonderful job. Have a look at the concentration on their faces.
Here are our superstars for this week. Well done!
Today we had our party! It was such a fun afternoon. We played Corners, Musical statues among other games. We also had a disco! It was so lovely to see the children having such a fun time, some of them said, "It was the most fun day ever!" Unfortunately we didn't get photos of all the games as we were having too much fun but here are a few to show you.
Week beginning 14.12.20
The children brought home their Christingle packs today. We talked about the different parts of the Christingle and what they represent and we talked about how to hold them safely at arms' length. Here we have a photo of our first completed Christingle. Don't forget to email me your photos and I will put them on here to share with everyone.
Well done, it is beautiful.
Here are some more beautiful Christingles. I am so proud you have remembered to hold them away from your bodies.
A reminder that on Thursday it is our Christmas dinner and the children can wear a Christmas jumper. We will also be having our party. It's going to be a super excting day! We will not be doing PE on Thursday.
Enter text...
Here are some fantastic photos of the children in provision this week. There has been some super independent learning taking place.
Week beginning 7.12.20
What a busy week we have had! I will upload some photos of what we have been doing so watch this space. Here are this week's superstar achievers.
Also, just another reminder about our Enterprise projects. The children have been working hard on their items to sell so if you would like to buy your child's item then please pay £3 on Parent Pay as soon as possible. Here is one of the items we have been making, there is another but we haven't photographed them yet.
On Friday we had a visit from some ladies from All Hallows' Church. We went into the hall and they talked to us about Christingles. We each are going to receive our own Christingle kit to take home and make with our grown ups. In class next week we will talk more about the different parts of the Christingle and what they represent.
Please send me your finished photos and I will upload them to our website. Can I also ask that you upload them to Tapestry please.
Week beginning 30.11.20
Reading books and water bottles
Please can you ensure that your child has their reading book and a water bottle every day in school. Thank you.
Your child may have brought home some lines to learn for our Nativity. We will be filming this next week so please can you practise your child's lines with them, ensuring they know which line they follow. Please check their book bag if you are unsure if they have any lines to learn.
We will be filming our Nativity songs on Wednesday so please can your child come to school wearing a Christmas jumper if they have one. If they don't then please send them in a plain jumper / cardigan, do not buy anything especially. They can wear the rest of their uniform as normal.
Snow much fun!
We couldn't help but notice the snow falling outside our window this morning and we were desperate to get outside and explore! Here are some photos of us having fun in the snow.
Some of the children wanted to collect some snow and they took it inside to see what would happen to it. The children predicted it would melt and when we checked later on in the day they found that their predictions were correct! There was only water left in the containers.
Here are our superstar achievers from this week.
This week we have started to look at the story of 'Stickman' by Julia Donaldson. Some of the children have been up to the woods to make their own Stickmen and Sticklady Loves. They really enjoyed themselves learning how to attach different materials together. We think they are amazing!
One of our superstars said, "I have enjoyed my school trip today!" Here are some photos of them in action. More will be added throughout the week so watch this space!
Week beginning 23.11.20
It has been wonderful to see everybody back in class this week. The children have loved being together again and playing with each other. There have been so many smiles and so much laughter.
Here are some photos from this week.
Here are our superstars from our Achievement Collective Worship. Well done all of you!
Weeks beginning 9.11.20 and 16.11.20
Well Reception what can we say? You are a bunch of absolute superstars. You have become Zoom experts during our Isolation and have shown how amazing, adaptable and resilient you are. Each and every one of you earned your Achievement certificate and we could not be more proud. You have done three Zooms a day as well as completed lots of work we set as extras, your learning did not stop for a minute! A huge thank you as well to all your grown ups who uploaded your work onto Tapestry.
Mrs Jagger, Miss Bushby and Miss Bellwood.
Here are our superstar achievers for this week. Well done!
Welcome back to a new half term. We hope you all had a good break despite the weather! Our topic this half term is 'Once Upon a Time' and this week we are looking at the story of Guy Fawkes and why we have fireworks and bonfires. The children have enjoyed exploring the colours they see in fireworks and representing fireworks in different ways. In Phonics we are learning ck, e, u and the tricky words the and to.
Here are some photos from our first few days back.
Please note that this Friday (23rd October) is an Inset Day and school is not open to the children. We return to school on Monday 2nd November. Have a lovely half term week.
Here are our award winners for this week.
Here are some super photos showing some of the fantastic learning which has been taking place in our class.
This week we have spent a lot of time orally blending and segmenting VC and CVC words, e.g. i-t, o-n, c-o-t, t-a-p. We have also been writing these words down and we have been practising writing our gaphemes. We have also learnt c, k and talked about ck making the same sound. So far we have learnt s a t p i n m d g o c k ck.
Over half term please continue to practise these with your child and encourage them to write them down using a good pencil grip. The children have also been practising writing their names. They now have to sign in every morning on a big sheet of paper. Please encourage your child to continue writing their name over the holidays.
Week beginning 12.10.20
Here are our Achievement certificate winners for this week. Well done to all of our superstars, you have made us so proud.
We have covered s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o so far in our phonics lessons so you could play I spy with the children with words that have these phonemes at the beginning (initial sound). You could see if your child can write the graphemes (letters) or you could ask your child to write words which have these phonemes, e.g. p-i-n, d-i-g, g-a-p, t-a-n. You could segment words and see if the children know the word.
Today we went for an Autumn walk in the school grounds and we saw some beautiful leaves which had fallen. We taked about the colours and we collected some for our creative activities later this week. It was such fun to be outside in the autumn weather, we even stood under a tree as a gust of wind blew and we got covered in leaves! The colours we noticed were red, brown, yellow and orange but we saw there were still some green leaves as well.
Here are some photos of our walk.
Here are today's superstars from our Achievement assembly. Well done to you all!
This week some of the children have been taking selfies on an ipad. We have decided to put them up in the classroom next to their self portraits.
Here are some photos of us in our independent learning this week.
Last Friday some of our superstars got an award in achievement assembly. Here they are looking very proud!
Thank you to everyone for attending our virtual parents' evening. It was certainly different doing it on Zoom and over the phone but it was great to be able to share with you all how your children have settled in to All Hallows'. I look forward to speaking to some more of you over the next few days.
This week in phonics so far we have been learning the sounds p and i. We have practised writing them correctly and we have been blending words which contain them, e.g. s-i-t, p-i-t, t-a-p, p-a-t, i-t You could try sounding out some of these words and seeing if your child can say the word.
We have been practising using a good penci grip and we have these posters up in class so thought they might come in handy if your child is struggling at home with their pencil grip.
We have had a great week this week (wb 28th September). We started our phonics and Maths sessions and we have been really impressed with how the children have used what they have learnt at home and in provision.
In phonics we have been learning the phonemes s, a and t. Ask your children if they recognise these or if they can find any around the house. Maybe they can show you how they write them. We have been encouraging the children to use a good pencil grip like the one shown, please support your child with this at home if they are writing or drawing.
We have also been practising reading and segmenting words with these phonemes in, e.g. sat and at.
Next week we will be adding p, i, n and m to our collection so there will be many more words we can blend, sound out and segment.
Please can you ensure your child has a named pair of wellies in school next week as the weather is not looking good. We are planning on going on an Autumn walk in the school grounds on Thursday so wellies and a waterproof coat will be required.
Don't forget that it is Parents' evening this week. You should have received your Zoom link via email (please ignore this if you are having a phone call, I will call you at the time you have been given) If you do not have a slot please see me to arrange a suitable time.
Here are some photos to share with you.
Your child brought home a reading book on Friday but unfortunately we can’t send a reading record home at the moment. Please share the book with your child and keep it in their book bag. We will listen to them read their books and swap them. All returned books will be quarantined before being returned to the reading scheme.
Thank you for your cooperation
Week beginning 21.9.20
Thank you to those of you who attended our Zoom meeting about Reception expectations. I have placed the Powerpoints above for you to look at if you missed it or would like to see it again.
You should have received a letter about parents' evening. If not, please see a member of the Reception team for one.
Thanks and have a lovely weekend
Mrs Jagger
Please can you send a named pair of wellies in for your child. They can remain in school but please can you check them regularly to check that they still fit.
We had great fun in the rain today, we got out our little boats and were watching them float across the bigger puddles. Unfortunately some children still got wet feet even with wellies and waterproof trousers on so it would be helpful if you could pop a spare pair of socks and / or tights into their bags.
Thank you :-)
Week beginning 14.9.20
Please note we will NOT be starting PE lessons until further notice.
Here are some more photos showing the super learning that is taking place in our class. The children are being so independent in a morning finding their names and washing their hands and at hometime when they are collecting their own things. They have been busy making new friends and having lots of fun. The treasure boxes have been amazing so far and the children who have shown them have spoken clearly and confidently. We can't wait to share some more!
The children have amazed us today with how sensible they were when they were eating their lunch. Here are some photos to show you.
Here are some more photos of us in our learning today.
We have been so busy in our learning over the last two days. Here are some more photos of us exploring our new classroom and making new friends. Just a reminder that from Monday 14th September our drop off and pick up times are in line with the rest of the school so morning drop off is between 8.45am and 9.10am and home time is between 2.45pm and 3.10pm. You must follow the one way system and you can drop off your child at our gate. We can't wait to have them in school for the whole day!
Welcome to All Hallows' CE (VA) Primary School Reception class page.
What a fantastic first day we had! We are so proud of how well you listened and your sitting was amazing! Your smiles made us very happy and we can't wait to see you again tomorrow. We hope you enjoyed your visit.
Here are some photos of some of you exploring our Provision. There was some super learning taking place. Well done Reception!
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